A DevOps Engineer’s Essential Apps for Mac (2024)

A DevOps Engineer’s Essential Apps for Mac (2024)

Hey everyone! Today, I’m excited to share with you the tools I use every day as a DevOps engineer. These apps help me stay organized, write code, manage projects, and much more. I hope you find this peek into my MacBook Pro setup useful, no matter what your tech background is.

  • Notion
  • Visual Code
  • Lens
  • Slack / Discord
  • DataGrip (JetBrains)
  • Iterm
  • Termius
  • Maccy
  • Docker Desktop


URL: https://www.notion.so/

Picture Notion as your digital workspace where you can write down everything from random thoughts to detailed project plans. It’s like having an endless pile of notebooks, sticky notes, and planners all neatly organized in one spot that you can carry in your pocket.

Visual Studio Code (VSCode):

URL: https://code.visualstudio.com/download

VSCode is the ultimate tool for writing and fixing code. It’s like having a smart assistant that not only corrects your spelling but also suggests better ways to write, making coding a breeze. It’s packed with cool features that help me do everything from jotting down quick notes to building complex programs.


URL: https://k8slens.dev/

Imagine trying to find a needle in a haystack. Now, imagine you have a gadget that not only finds the needle for you but also tells you everything about it. That’s Lens for Kubernetes, a system we use to deploy and manage apps. Lens helps me see exactly what’s happening with my applications, making complex tasks much simpler.

Slack / Discord:

URL: https://slack.com/intl/en-in/downloads/mac

These apps are my virtual office where I hang out with my team. Whether we need to solve a problem, make an announcement, or just share a laugh, Slack and Discord keep us connected. It’s like having a walkie-talkie that keeps the whole team in sync.

DataGrip (JetBrains):

URL: https://www.jetbrains.com/datagrip

DataGrip is like the Swiss Army knife for database management. Whether I’m working with PostgreSQL, MySQL, or any other database, DataGrip makes it easier to explore, edit, and manage all my data from one place. It’s like having a superpower that lets me see through the data, understand it, and manipulate it with ease, ensuring that I can keep everything running smoothly and efficiently.


URL: https://iterm2.com/downloads.html

iTerm2 supercharges the command line interface on my Mac, turning it into a powerful tool for controlling my computer. It’s like upgrading from a bicycle to a sports car, giving me faster and more efficient ways to get my work done.


URL: https://termius.com/

With Termius, I can connect to and manage servers from anywhere in the world. It’s like having a magic key that lets me into any room, making sure I can always check on and fix issues, no matter where I am.


URL: https://maccy.app/

Maccy remembers everything I’ve copied and pasted, saving me from the “Oh no, I lost it!” moments. It’s like having a safety net for my clipboard, ensuring I never lose important bits of information.

Docker Desktop:

URL: https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/

Docker Desktop lets me pack my applications into neat containers so they can run anywhere without a hitch. It’s like being able to move my entire workspace from one computer to another effortlessly, ensuring everything works perfectly no matter where I am.

Using these tools, I can tackle complex tasks, stay connected with my team, and keep everything running like a well-oiled machine. Whether you’re in DevOps or just curious about how the digital world operates, these tools play a crucial role.

I’d love to hear from you! What kind of apps do you use to boost your productivity as a DevOps engineer? Let’s share tips and tricks to help each other out.

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